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Robert B. Gougeon

Cast Away6 - Naufragé6
In Motion12-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 24'' x 18'' x 1.5'') Nov. 2017 SOLD

Cast Away5 - Naufragé5
In Motion11-series2, (acrylic on canvas, 16'' x 20', x 1.5'') Oct. 2017

Cast Away4 - Naufragé4
In Motion10-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 16'' x 20'' x 1.5'') Oct. 2017

Cast Away3 - Naufragé3
In Motion9-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 30'' x 40'' x 1.5'') Oct. 2017 SOLD

Cast Away2 - Naufragé2
In Motion8-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 30'' x 40'' x 1.5'') Oct. 2017

Cast Away - Naufragé
In Motion7-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 30'' x 40'' x 1.5'') Oct. 2017

Dueling Waves - le duel des vagues
In Motion6-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 30'' x 40'' x 1.5'') Sept. 2017

Fantastic Rocks-Rochers fantastiques
In Motion5-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 30'' x 40''x 1.5'') Aug. 2017 SOLD

Tenison in Motion-Tension en motion
In Motion4-series2 (acrylic on canvas, 16'' x 20''x 1.5'') Aug. 2017
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